ETEL 88, S.A may collect information about the search habits of users of the website through cookies. Cookies will not be used to collect personal information. They will only be installed if the user continues browsing in our website, understanding that you consent its use and installation. Below we provide detailed information about what a cookie is, what it is for, what types of cookies we use, what their purpose are and how you can configure or disable them if you wish to do so.

The website uses cookies when a user browses through it. Cookies are files, sent to a browser via a web and downloaded onto the user´s equipment, that register user´s activity and allow a more fluid and personalized browsing

The cookies used by ETEL 88 are:
  1. Depending on the Company that manages them:
    • Own cookies: This cookies are sent to the user´s computer from computers or domain managed by ETEL 88 and from which the service requested by the user is provided.
    • Third party's Cookies: These cookies are sent to the user's terminal from a computer or domain that is not managed by ETEL 88, and a third party processes the data obtained via the cookies.

  2. Depending on the period of time they remain active in the terminal:
    • Cookies of session: These cookies are designed to obtain and store data while the user accesses a website. Used to store information that is only of interest to provide the service requested once only by the user.
    • Persistent cookies: They are stored on the hard drive and this Website reads them every time a new visit is made. A permanent cookie has a certain expiration date. The cookie will stop working after that date. We use these cookies, generally, to facilitate the purchase and registration services.

  3. Depending on the aim for which the data is obtained via cookies:
    • Technical Cookies: Cookies that allow users to browse a website, platform or application and use different options or services existing in them.
    • Cookies of customization: Cookies that they allow the user to access the service with a number of predefined general characteristics, according to a series of criteria in the user's terminal (for example, the language, the type of web browser used to access the service, the regional configuration used to access the service, etc.).
    • Cookies of analysis: These cookies allow the behavior of the website's users to be monitored and analyzed. The information collected through this type of cookies is used in the measurement of the activity of the websites  and for the elaboration of navigational profiles of the users of these spaces, in order to introduce improvements according to the data analysis of use that do users of the service provided.

Purpose of each of cookies used by this Website:
We detail below the cookies used by this Website and the provider. Own cookies belong to our domain and third parties cookies belong to others domains.

Cookie Name Type Purpose More Info
Session Control ASPSESSION + [RANDOM IDENTIFIER] Own and session Keep the user's session to personalize content such as language. Help to apply a security layer on the web
Acceptance of cookies ac Own and permanent Identify the acceptance of cookies
Google Analytics _ga _gid Third parties, anlíticas and permanent cookies Collect information on user navigation through the site in order to know the origin of visits, most visited pages and other similar data at a statistical level. Google Analytics

How can the User configure or disable cookies?
You can allow, block or delete the cookies installed on your computer by configuring the options of your Internet browser. If you do not allow the installation of cookies on your browser, you may not be able to access some of the services and your experience on the website may be less satisfactory.

Other browsers: Please refer to the user guide of your browser

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